Tradeshift Basics

Learn more about Tradeshift, our Product suite, and how to navigate the platform.


In this category you will learn the basics of Tradeshift: what it is, security and compliance, and how to get in touch with us.

Created on 2016/10/11 21:04; Last updated on 2024/07/25 10:35

My account

This is where you will find information about getting started on Tradeshift and managing your account.

Created on 2016/10/11 21:05; Last updated on 2024/07/25 10:35

Navigating the platform

This category is all about navigating the Tradeshift platform and getting started with our apps.

Created on 2022/05/06 10:21; Last updated on 2024/07/25 10:35

Key Functionalities

This category is all about the key functionalities of the Tradeshift platform, sometimes also referred to as apps. Read our guides to learn about the Document Manager, Dashboard, Collaboration, and many more!

Created on 2022/05/06 08:55; Last updated on 2024/07/25 10:35

Document types

Learn more about the various document types that the Tradeshift platform supports.

Created on 2022/05/20 12:43; Last updated on 2024/07/25 10:35

Tradeshift Product Suite

Learn more about our complete supply chain solution for both buyers and sellers.

Created on 2022/05/06 07:14; Last updated on 2024/07/25 10:35