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    What validation rules are in place?

    227 4 Created on 2018-07-25 09:44:32; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:00:49

    For Validation rules specific to Unilever India Business entities, please view the separate document here.

    For all other Unilever business entities, the validation Rules detailed in the below tables apply.

    Validation rules ensure that the vendor provides information in all the required fields. Unilever can then process the invoice quickly and efficiently without any unnecessary queries or delay. Validation rules are a way of enforcing compliance which benefit both the vendor and Unilever.

    During invoice submission each document will be validated against rules. If requirement set by the rules are not met, invoice fails and supplier is notified with the reason for invoice submission failure. Invoice can be corrected and re-submitted.

    The following information is mandatory for all invoices on Header Level:

    Field Name Purchase Order Invoice Non Purchase Order Invoice Additional Explanation
    Supplier Company Name and Address X X -
    Supplier Tax Number X X -
    Unilever Entity Name and Address X X -
    Unilever Tax Number X X -
    Invoice date X X Invoice date should not be more than 10 calendar days from the current date. Future dated invoices not allowed
    Invoice number X X Should not exceed 16 characters
    Currency Currency on invoice must match PO currency X -
    Amount excl Tax X X Negative amounts are not allowed
    Tax Total X X Negative amounts are not allowed
    Total Amount X X Negative amounts are not allowed
    Purchase Order Number Must match PO data available in Tradeshift and has to be against same supplier Not Mandatory -
    Payment Method X X A singe Payment method is mandatory
    Delivery Date (Date of supply) Conditional Conditional Mandatory only if required by country regulations
    Payment Date Conditional Conditional Mandatory only if required by country regulations

    The following information is mandatory for all invoices on Line Level:

    Field Name Purchase Order Invoice Non Purchase Order Invoice Additional Explanation
    Purchase Order Number Must match PO data available in Tradeshift and has to be against same supplier Not Mandatory -
    Purchase Order Line Number Must match referenced PO line number Not Mandatory -
    Description X X Should clearly describe the product or service
    Unit of Measure Must match referenced PO UOM X -
    Quantity X X -
    Unit Price Must match referenced PO Unit Price X -
    Total line amount X X -
    Tax line amount X X -
    Tax percentage X X For tax exempt rate, exemption reason is mandatory if relevant in the country

    Additional validation rules:

    • Additional charges (Such as Freight, Custom fee etc.) are allowed only at the header, NOT on the invoice lines.
    • For invoice which are issued in currency which is not a local currency of the supplier - exchange rate and value of converted Tax amount to local currency should be provided on the header.
    • For credit notes, the referenced invoice number must be mandatory and should exist in Tradeshift. You cannot raise the credit note if the referenced invoice is not raised through Tradeshift.
    • Please add no negative amounts at line or header level allowed across all supplier groups.
    • A Unilever Company Code must be referenced at all times in the documents.

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