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    How does e-invoicing work?

    479 8 Created on 2018-07-24 20:12:25; Last updated on 2022-07-01 13:00:49

    NOTE: Please DO NOT self register on the Tradeshift website. You can register only with the activation link you receive via email from Tradeshift.

    Click here to view a sample email with the activation link.

    Tradeshift E-invoicing

    Tradeshift has made it possible and easy for any business to invoice their customers - no matter the invoice volume. Depending on the volume of invoices you send, we recommend the following:


    The ‘PO flip’ method - for all suppliers who receive Purchase Orders
    Once registered with Tradeshift, all Purchase Orders will be delivered via the Tradeshift Platform. These can be easily turned into an invoice and returned to Unilever via the platform. All relevant information from the Purchase Order is automatically retained during the flip process for speed and accuracy.


    The ‘Integration- file transfer’ method - for larger volume suppliers
    This is for vendors sending large volumes of invoices. They need to use one of the many file formats supported by Tradeshift and integration would need some IT development. Tradeshift technicians will discuss and assist vendors with this process. For further information on the various methods of submitting invoices please see the Tradeshift website


    The ‘Web Interface’ method - for lower volume, non-PO suppliers
    This option allows approved Non PO vendors to key and send Non PO invoices to Unilever via Tradeshift.The Tradeshift platform works on the following web browsers: Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer (versions 9 and above).

    Global Validation Rules

    Validation rules ensure that the vendor provides information in all the required fields. Unilever can then process the invoice quickly and efficiently without any unnecessary queries or delay. Validation rules are a way of enforcing compliance which benefit both the vendor and Unilever.

    During invoice submission each document will be validated against rules. If requirement set by the rules are not met, invoice fails and supplier is notified with the reason for invoice submission failure. Invoice can be corrected and re-submitted.

    For a complete list of Business Validation rules, please consult this table.

    Top E-invoicing questions from Unilever suppliers

    How does E-invoicing work?

    The Tradeshift electronic invoicing tool allows you to flip Purchase Orders, sent by Unilever, into invoices. To learn about flipping POs into invoices, check out this article !

    Contact information

    For technical queries regarding the Tradeshift product, please get in touch with Support here.

    For questions regarding electronic invoicing, please contact Unilever by using the Supplier Query Form.


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